
Obama hires CAIR lawyer

Joe Sandler? Sandler, Reiff, and Young?
Joe Sandler was the CAIR lawyer who sent a letter to the Young America's Foundation in August 2007, threatening them with legal action if they let me speak to their national student conference. I spoke anyway (YAF's Jason Mattera said, "CAIR can go to hell and take their seventy-two virgins with them"), and the threatened lawsuit did not materialize (at least as of this writing, over a year later).
But now here again Obama allies himself with someone who has but scant regard for the freedom of speech. Will he, as President, sacrifice that freedom in an attempt to build the bridges with the Islamic world that he has boasted of being able to build?

I hope that Barack Obama, when he becomes President, will become a staunch defender of the First Amendment against attempts by the Muslim Brotherhood and the Organization of the Islamic Conference to limit it or destroy it altogether. But his hiring of Joseph Sandler is not at all reassuring.

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