
Lawyer and Constitutionality

  Lawyer is always contacting with constitutionality .The palace of constitutionality had been found completely since one day founding of modern lawyer system .The reason is very simple because lawyer is a comparatively weak group among the constitutional system .
A constitutionality will not be sound without lawyer . Judge is a wonderful and accurate symbol of constitutionality in somewhat . Prosecutor and police are also express the nature of constitutionality excellently . But , lawyer as a kind of significant characteristic of defence system is essential to constitutionality . This sort of function of lawyer in constitutionality is conditioned by the character of constitutionality itself . In modern sense , we can say that constitutionality is a type of social circumstance which there are a series of nice law and a judicial system existing in restraint and also the law are executed preferably and complied consciously with by the people living in society .
We emphasize the importance of lawyer to constitutionality because that the function of lawyer to the constitutionality embody at least on the aspects below :
First , lawyer is safeguard of the constitutionality . The conducts of lawyer are always standing up for the constitutionality . This exhibit adequately in many respects such as propagating law , participating lawsuit acting as a agent , transacting non-litigation case to serve for clients and so on .
Second , lawyer is propagandist of the constitutionality . Any legal service proffering by lawyer whatever it act are preaching the constitutionality direct and entirely .
Third , lawyer is practician of the constitutionality . To live up to the favorable law , invoke the powers of the law to defend the benefit of party and work a balanceable and restrictive role in the constitutional institution all that are perfect illustration of lawyer as the practician of constitutionality .
Fourth , lawyer is perfectionist of the constitutionality . The existence of lawyer and the system of lawyer represent splendidly the function of lawyer as perfectionist of the constitutionality as well .

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