
The lawyer

Recently, the blog friends asked me if old lawyers? Take not a lawyer?

Really depressed. I really don't like a lawyer?

From entering the legal profession, I have lost count of how

many people ask the same question.

People's lawyer image what?

According to the mirror again, I didn't feel according to what I

don't like some lawyers!

Why so many people think I don't like a lawyer?

Perhaps, is too many people have no contact with the legal

profession. They will be his idea of image contrast with my

lawyer, might think I don't like lawyers!

Here, I want to tell all the friends of loud, I am a lawyer: by

the judicial qualification examination of the US of practicing lawyer. It is no doubt that the.

So, please don't ask friends, so a similar problem, I am

"injury". Hehe!

Lawyers with ordinary people as fact. Female lawyer is usually

a legend "outside", "the feminist", is actually a lawyer for

the misunderstanding.

In addition to work on a need to put on the clothing, vice

"serious" faces, in private, female lawyer with the general

women are the same.

They also love beautiful, like shopping for clothes, dressed

up like their beauty touching!

Some friends think I don't like the lawyer's another reason

may be age!

Well, most people trust older lawyers! Most people think that

the young lawyer like me not certain level.

I admit that there are old lawyer their strengths, for example,


But, I want to tell you, a lawyer, and how the professional

level can only by age determination?

I can only tell you that old lawyers have the advantage of old

and young lawyer lawyer has advantages of young lawyer. It is

not for comparison.

"Lawyer" as a professional relatively strong industry, in today's

highspeed economic development, "the market" to the lawyer's

professional quality put forward higher request。

I love "lawyer" this career!

I think that in future days, I need to do is to learn legal

professional knowledge, perfect the legal knowledge "and" good

"image" to win more people trust, do a good female lawyer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this question is mine