
New York Disability Claims Lawyer

Becoming disabled has a huge impact on your family's financial future. At stake is your job, your income stream, your medical benefits and your retirement benefits. Knowing your legal rights before you become disabled, or are about to become disabled, could make a big difference.
This site provides some common sense do's and don'ts in an attempt to address the legal concerns of employees who have become or are about to become disabled. Among the topics addressed are "obtaining disability benefits," "overturning a denial of disability benefits," "saving your job," "leaving your job," "maximizing your pension," and "retaining your health care benefits."
DisabilityClaims.com is a resource sponsored and prepared by the lawyers at Riemer & Associates LLC. Riemer & Associates LLC is a New York City law firm dedicated to providing state-of-the-art legal representation to people with disabilities in order to protect their rights to disability benefits now and in the future.

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